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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <doi_batch xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:jats="" xmlns:ai="" version="4.3.6" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <head> <doi_batch_id>_1735555214</doi_batch_id> <timestamp>20241230054014000</timestamp> <depositor> <depositor_name>Hayder Naser Khraibet</depositor_name> <email_address></email_address> </depositor> <registrant>JOSHUC</registrant> </head> <body> <journal> <journal_metadata> <full_title>University of Shatt Al-Arab Journal for Administrative and Legal Sciences</full_title> <abbrev_title>JOSHUC</abbrev_title> <issn media_type="print">2079-7486</issn> </journal_metadata> <journal_issue> <publication_date media_type="online"> <month>12</month> <day>01</day> <year>2022</year> </publication_date> <journal_volume> <volume>2</volume> </journal_volume> <issue>1</issue> <doi_data> <doi>10.52940/joshuc.v2i1</doi> <resource></resource> </doi_data> </journal_issue> <journal_article xmlns:jats="" publication_type="full_text" metadata_distribution_opts="any"> <titles> <title>تحديد عوامل النجاح الحرجة في مشاريع توزيع الطاقة الكهربائية باستخدام عملية التحليل المتسلسل الهرمي المضبب</title> </titles> <contributors> <person_name contributor_role="author" sequence="first" language="en"> <given_name>Mohmed</given_name> <surname>Abood</surname> </person_name> </contributors> <jats:abstract xmlns:jats=""> <jats:p>The aim of this research is to identify and study the most important and effect Critical Success Factors in the management of projects for improving and developing the performance of the Electricity Distribution System in Miasan Province . Optimal solutions to improve and develop Electrical Distribution Network projects, especially with high-load Distribution feeders, is a complex task related to the complexity of the networks and the preparation of their enormous components, and to the changings of loads and other factors related to resolve suffocations, rehabilitation and development projects In order to improve these projects, the method of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical process (FAHP) was applied and highlighted a number of key criteria and detailed factors The importance of criteria has been reached with each other and the preference of the Safety criterion over others, this can help decision-makers focus on the factors most influencing the success of projects.</jats:p> </jats:abstract> <publication_date media_type="online"> <month>12</month> <day>13</day> <year>2022</year> </publication_date> <pages> <first_page>251</first_page> <last_page>281</last_page> </pages> <doi_data> <doi>10.52940/joshuc.v2i1.13</doi> <resource></resource> <collection property="crawler-based"> <item crawler="iParadigms"> <resource></resource> </item> </collection> <collection property="text-mining"> <item> <resource mime_type="application/pdf"></resource> </item> </collection> </doi_data> </journal_article> </journal> </body> </doi_batch>